Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Troublesome Tuesday...

I am trying to be a better kid (or old lady as it may be). I want to do things better-have a cleaner home, write a better blog, help my kids to be the best they can be in school and sports, lose all the "baby weight" I have put on over the years...Boy am I failing.

Often my husband has said that he wants to be able to do his very best at what he is doing all the time, but with medical school, a family, and church responsibilities, he felt like he was only barely passing at everything. I know how he feels right now...Today has brought with it it's own challenges...But the big picture things are the ones I am trying to focus in on and get motivated to do...

Here are the goals I made for the next few weeks and how I am doing:

1-Get my house CLEANED UP before we go to Disney World...it is messier than ever and I have a long way to go...we DID get lots of laundry caught up, the messiest room (the girls bedroom) MOSTLY done, and the kitchen is pretty good...now on to the other billion things around here.

2-Work out and lose this weight-make it a priority-so I bought a family YMCA membership and have been going 3+ times a week. I am doing OK on this one, but it is not getting any easier to work out or to go...sigh...(I am losing some weight though)

3-Get some freezer meals made for us and for my sister in law who will have her baby in the next week...not even started

4-Get some great deals up on this blog each day...with all else going on it has not been everyday-I am sure you noticed.

5-Help my kids transition into school. Well, after day 2 where one kids barfed all over the class and another had a fight, it was uphill from there. We still have some adjusting to do, but at least my Kindergartner doesn't cry each time he gets on the bus in the morning anymore...that's somethin' right?!

6-Prepare and pack for DW-um...no, not done...

Maybe getting this all in writing and posted will make me more accountable...let's hope so because with a 5 month old on his 5th (or 6th?) ear infection and my lack of sleep, I feel unmotivated to do anything today...anyone else feeling that same lack of motivation?
