Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Follow up to Travel Tuesdays SLC: Lagoon, Raging Waters, Seven Peaks Discounts

Having gone to visit Salt Lake City last week, I wanted to follow up my Tuesdays Travels: Salt Lake City post with a few tips and tricks I learned while I was there.

Lagoon discounts:
  • Using a Coke can for admission to Lagoon gives you $5 off per person, but you must enter before noon and you have to have a coke can with the offer on it with you.
  • The Deseret Book discount is good, but you have to buy a book to get a discount. And the book you buy determines how many discount tickets you get. So, if you were already planning to buy one of the select books on this promotion, then it is a good deal, otherwise don't bother-just get the Coke cans.
  • We found that the best discount we could get when we were there was offered through local Credit Unions. If you know any locals, ask them to check at their credit union for the best available discount tickets. You generally have to pay cash for these tickets but they are great discounts.
  • The other option may seem hokey, but it is true as well. In the LDS church the congregations are called wards and a group of wards together make up a Stake.  The local Utah Stakes have "Stake Lagoon days". If ou have LDS (Mormon) friends in Utah, you might check and see if their Stake Lagon Day happens to fall when you are visiting because that is actually THE VERY cheapest deal that I found (but none for our family were going on while we were there).
  • I am hearing that there may also be discount tickets available at Costco, but I hae no confirmation on this.
Seven Peaks, and Raging Waters Discounts
  • I learned when I got home that Costco stores have discount tickets to these locations. A few of you have asked me if I know how much the discounts are, but I don't. Do any of you know?
  • Apparently some of the local supermarkets and credit unions also carry discount tickets.
