Wednesday, February 23, 2011
BOGO Pei Wei Korean BBQ coupon on FB

Well, Since I mentioned a BOGO lunch on Omaha, I thought I would let your SLC readers know that you can get a BOGO Pei Wei coupon for Korean bbq when you like them on Facebook!!
Thanks MySLCMommy.

Thanks MySLCMommy.
Couples Who Pray book teaser review (+Book Sneeze)

As I mentioned before, I LOVE to read (in all my spare time LOL). And now I will get to read and review books for free thanks to Book Sneeze. If you are a blogger that would like to read and review books they send you for free, you should go to their site and sign up. It only took me a day to get approved and I got my first book, Couples Who Pray, very quickly.
I have started reading it finally this week, adn so far it is interesting. I find I am coming from a very different perspective than the couples in the book. I grew up always being told to pray together as families and couples so we always have. This book is about couples adding praying together to their marriages. So far I would say the main downfall of the book for me is that the couples they chose to focus on are all either famous or semi famous. THere is not really a "normal joe" amoung them. But that aside, I am excited to read about how Praying together made a difference for these couples! SHoudl be an interesting wuick read and I will do a full review when I finish!
You can Read what it is about here.
FYI, it appears the books here are all faith based in some way. Just so you know before you sign up!
Free sample of Play by Durex (for you adults out there...)

Here is a GROWN UP freebie...YOu can get a free sample of Play™ lubricants from Durex. Just go here to request your sample.
Thanks Freebie Fever.

Thanks Freebie Fever.
WINSday update

I thought since today was a "Winsday," I would give you all an update on my little winning experiment. (You can see the explanation of my experiment/idea to keep track of my "wins" in the last "WINSday" post here).
I started keeping track of my wins on the blog on 1/16/11 and so far I have won 22 giveaways.

I started keeping track of my wins on the blog on 1/16/11 and so far I have won 22 giveaways.
Free Krispy Kreme Donut with report card!

My little E Dawg got a Valentine with a free Krispy Kreme donut on it. While we were in there, we noticed this sign:
NICE! If you cannot see the pic, it says that kids get a free Krispy Kreme donut if they bring in their report cards! (You can also bring in your report card to SkateDaze locally to get free skating passes)

NICE! If you cannot see the pic, it says that kids get a free Krispy Kreme donut if they bring in their report cards! (You can also bring in your report card to SkateDaze locally to get free skating passes)
BOGO Lunch at La Mesa in Omaha

Here is a fun lunch deal going on here in Omaha at the La Mesa restaurant:
So, I know it is hard to read this, but for a limited time, Monday-Friday from 11 am until (well...I cannot remember how late-I will look next time I drive by), lunch entrees are BOGO (Buy One Get One Free)!
I love this place and how nice is it when you can get one meal free...I think my husband and I will have to take advantage of this while he is off in the mornings this week!

So, I know it is hard to read this, but for a limited time, Monday-Friday from 11 am until (well...I cannot remember how late-I will look next time I drive by), lunch entrees are BOGO (Buy One Get One Free)!
I love this place and how nice is it when you can get one meal free...I think my husband and I will have to take advantage of this while he is off in the mornings this week!
CSN & Play Pen review! Good Stuff!

Remember when I told you that for an upcoming review, CSN Stores was going to let me pick something to review?
Well, As I told you before, I thought about it and after much consideration I decided to use the $55 credit I got to go toward something I really needed for this upcoming baby. Being a 5th child, this might be the only new thing he gets! :)
Check out what I ordered:
We have had it for a couple weeks now, but just had to chance to set it up. Before I show you the pictures I took, let me just tell you how easy it was to order through CSN. I was able to get it ordered quickly and easily! My favorite part was that I got FREE shipping!!! Honestly, I tend to buy big heavy items in store rather than online because I have had to pay so much in shipping for things in the past. MANY items-especially bigger items through CSN have free shipping and I adore that!!
Also, I ordered this just a couple days before the big storm that hit most of the country hard a couple weeks ago, so there were shipping delays all over. CSN actually shot me an email letting me know my package may be delayed a day or two (BTW-it got here on the exact estimated delivery date in spite of all that). I really appreciated the update though and thought they gave me some excellent customer care!
So, the ordering and delivery went well, and I can say without hesitation that I will look to CSN again in the future! Now about the product I ordered. It is the Disney Baby-Disney Care Center Play Yard...I did get some help from my Wesley setting it up:
Here it is all set up:
We were big fans of it. In fact, my little ladies (as they asked me to call them before we made the video) made a video review of their thoughts about it. Check out what they thought:
I loved that this playpen has the bassinet and that it seems to be a sturdy, safe place for baby. The changing table and the huge storage area are also awesome! In fact, the whole product is high quality. It will be a nice thing for our little guy! The included toy on the end was for me just a bonus, but the kids thought that was the be all end all part of this product!
If you are looking for a good quality play bed for your baby that has a lot of nice little extras, this is the one for you!

Well, As I told you before, I thought about it and after much consideration I decided to use the $55 credit I got to go toward something I really needed for this upcoming baby. Being a 5th child, this might be the only new thing he gets! :)
Check out what I ordered:
We have had it for a couple weeks now, but just had to chance to set it up. Before I show you the pictures I took, let me just tell you how easy it was to order through CSN. I was able to get it ordered quickly and easily! My favorite part was that I got FREE shipping!!! Honestly, I tend to buy big heavy items in store rather than online because I have had to pay so much in shipping for things in the past. MANY items-especially bigger items through CSN have free shipping and I adore that!!
Also, I ordered this just a couple days before the big storm that hit most of the country hard a couple weeks ago, so there were shipping delays all over. CSN actually shot me an email letting me know my package may be delayed a day or two (BTW-it got here on the exact estimated delivery date in spite of all that). I really appreciated the update though and thought they gave me some excellent customer care!
So, the ordering and delivery went well, and I can say without hesitation that I will look to CSN again in the future! Now about the product I ordered. It is the Disney Baby-Disney Care Center Play Yard...I did get some help from my Wesley setting it up:
Here it is all set up:
We were big fans of it. In fact, my little ladies (as they asked me to call them before we made the video) made a video review of their thoughts about it. Check out what they thought:
I loved that this playpen has the bassinet and that it seems to be a sturdy, safe place for baby. The changing table and the huge storage area are also awesome! In fact, the whole product is high quality. It will be a nice thing for our little guy! The included toy on the end was for me just a bonus, but the kids thought that was the be all end all part of this product!
If you are looking for a good quality play bed for your baby that has a lot of nice little extras, this is the one for you!
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