Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Great FREE history learning resource: Mission US

Are you, like me, always looking for great learning/teaching resources for your kids? I know this may not be typical, but my kids LOVE to learn and come home from school asking for more stuff to learn. We look for good learning resources on line, we print worksheets, we play online learning games, and we do a lot of reading at this house (none of which is assigned homework). Well, I just read about a great site in a review on Susan Heim on Parenting and had to share it with you!

The review is of the FREE website called Mission US. It is a FREE online role-plating game about American history. I went and checked it out and it looks awesome! I cannot wait for the kids to get home so I can let them check it out! My kids are excellent readers and writers and do quite well in math, but they have not learned much history or science yet, so this will be perfect!! Anyone know great science resources?!
