Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Couples Who Pray book teaser review (+Book Sneeze)

I review for BookSneeze®

As I mentioned before, I LOVE to read (in all my spare time LOL). And now I will get to read and review books for free thanks to Book Sneeze. If you are a blogger that would like to read and review books they send you for free, you should go to their site and sign up. It only took me a day to get approved and I got my first book, Couples Who Pray, very quickly.

I have started reading it finally this week, adn so far it is interesting. I find I am coming from a very different perspective than the couples in the book. I grew up always being told to pray together as families and couples so we always have. This book is about couples adding praying together to their marriages. So far I would say the main downfall of the book for me is that the couples they chose to focus on are all either famous or semi famous. THere is not really a "normal joe" amoung them. But that aside, I am excited to read about how Praying together made a difference for these couples! SHoudl be an interesting wuick read and I will do a full review when I finish!

You can Read what it is about here.

FYI, it appears the books here are all faith based in some way. Just so you know before you sign up!
