Wednesday, January 28, 2015

More to come...

Wow, I can tell you, being President of 2 major organizations (PTO and a church organization), on top of being a mother of one and STILL feeling like I am new in this area (having moved here about 18 months ago) makes for a busy lady. My blog has taken the back burner...very back, hidden and seemingly forgotten. 
However, it has not been forgotten. I have not known what to do with it and have wondered on that often. I have decided to jump back in, but not as often. I plan to share and giveaway great products I really love, I plan to tell you about my experiences traveling with 5 kids and how I (try) to save money doing it, I'll tell you about the local fun stuff (on the cheap) and I will still share any FANTASTIC deals I hear about. 
I don't promise to write every day, but I promise to share the best stuff!!
Here's to a new Beckee's Deals plan...