Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thrifty Thursday: Staying cool

Our air conditioner is currently not working, and we do not currently have the funds to fix it (thanks to unexpected medical bills). I figured I would just have to get creative with staying cool this summer-we never had an AC in my house growing up-in fact, my parents still don't have one. However, Omaha is a humid heat so it feels so much hotter than in Utah where I grew up. Nonetheless, we have been creatively staying cool, and the part that I LIKE about that is the money savings (Since I am not paying to fix AC nor to run it). (Can you tell i am trying to look on the bright side?!)

So, here are some of our fun ways to cool off this summer:
  • Open the windows and get some air flow going
  • Go to the pool-we have a pool pass so we just try to go to the pool everyday.
  • Play in the sprinklers as we water the grass
  • Spray bottles full of water-each person is getting their own this afternoon that they can spritz themselves with when they are hot
  • Drink lots of cool drinks-stay hydrated!
  • Fans...lots of fans...
  • We bought a HUGE package of imitation Otter Pops and we eat them a lot-sometimes the kids don't eat them, but they take them out of the fridge and just use unopened ones as a cooling ice pack.
  • Cook outdoors and avoid warming up the whole house further with the oven/stove
  • Eat cool foods-salad for lunch, fresh cool fruit, etc
What tips do you have for keeping cool?  I would LOVE to hear them!!!
